Date: June 6, 2023
Venue: Pulmonary Conference Room (M449) | Zoom:
Speaker: Dr. Mette Olufsen
Affiliation: North Carolina State University
Title: Patient-Specific Blood Flow and Pressure Prediction in Arterial Networks
Abstract: This study discusses the use of one-dimensional fluid dynamics models for patient-specific prediction of flow, pressure, shear stress, and wave propagation to assess changes and propose treatments in cardiovascular dynamics. The focus is on patient-specific predictions using a computational framework merging imaging and dynamic data with computational models. We use a multiscale approach including the large arteries and veins, arterioles and venules, and capillaries. The large arteries and veins are represented by a directed graph extracted from computed tomography images, whereas the network of arterioles and venules are represented by structured trees with parameters informed by data. The mcapillary network, modeled using a sheet approximation, is coupled to the network of arterioles and veins in a ladderlike configuration. In the large vessels, we solve the 1D Navier Stokes equations, while in the network of small vessels and capillaries, we solve linearized equations, which are coupled to large vessels via outflow boundary conditions. We demonstrate the importance of sensitivity analysis and parameter inference to render the model patient-specific and show how the calibrated models can be used to predict the effects of treatment for patients with thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.