Dr. Stacey Finley

Stacey Finley

Date: May 2, 2023

Venue: Zoom

Speaker: Dr. Stacey Finley

Affiliation: University of Southern California

Title: Computational modeling of the tumor ecosystem

Abstract: My research group works in the area of mathematical oncology, where we use mathematical models to decipher the complex networks of reactions inside of cancer cells and interactions between cells. We have combined detailed, mechanistic and data-driven modeling to study these networks and predict ways to control tumor growth. In this talk, I will present our recent work aimed at predicting signaling-mediated interactions between tumor and immune cells using agent-based models. Our models generate novel mechanistic insight into cell behavior and predict the effects of strategies aimed at inhibiting tumor growth. We have also developed methods of calibrating the models to tumor image data to generate reliable predictive frameworks.