2023 Forum On Precision Immunology: Immune Digital Twins

View The Meeting Report!!

February 23-24, 2023

UF Health Research and Academic Center, Orlando, FL


  • U.S. Department of Defense, Army Research Office, Biomathematics Program
  • Department of Medicine, University of Florida

Forum Proceedings:

Local Organizers:

Scientific Committee:


*Each presenter’s presentation title/link will direct you to its respective YouTube video to watch.

Fred Adler, PhD, University of Utah | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo Summary of conceptual, scientific, practical and ethical challenges and opportunities discussed by other participants in developing medical digital twins

Gary An, MD, FACS, University of Vermont | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo Axioms of personalized precision medicine
• Presentation: youtube-logo Summary of the Forum

Filippo Castiglione, PhD, Technology Innovation Institute | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo Constructing a computational representation of the Immune System: necessities, constituents, and operational aspects, along with proposed approaches for model development

Stephen Eubank, PhD, University of Virginia | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo Lessons to be learned from other fields about data assimilation

James Glazier, PhD, Indiana University | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo A theoretical framework for the construction of medical digital twins

Tomas Helikar, PhD, University of Nebraska | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo Towards a General Purpose Immune Digital Twin

Marti Jett-Tilton, PhD, U.S. Walter Reed Army Institute of Research | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo Digital twins for PTSD

Denise Kirschner, PhD, University of Michigan | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo Models and Tools for building beta versions of digital partners

Reinhard Laubenbacher, PhD, University of Florida | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo Introduction to the Forum
• Presentation: youtube-logo Funding discussion

Paul Macklin, PhD, Indiana University | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo Integration of standardized, reusable descriptions of cell behaviors and interactions

Borna Mehrad, MD, University of Florida | email
•Presentation: youtube-logo The application of MDTs to the intensive care unit

Beth Moore, PhD, University of Michigan | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo Immunologic considerations for building MDT

Virginia Pasour, PhD, U.S. Army Research Office | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo Funding opportunities

Ilya Shmulevich, PhD, Institute for Systems Biology | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo Patient Digital Twin for Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Amber Smith, PhD, University of Tennessee | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo Immune heterogeneity in the context of lung infection

Thomas Yankeelov, PhD, University of Texas at Austin | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo Imaging-based digital twins for oncology

Tjalf Ziemssen, MD, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus | email
• Presentation: youtube-logo A digital twin for autoimmune diseases accessible to the patient

Forum Goal:

Following the successful introduction of the digital twin paradigm in industry, the use of medical digital twins, computational models personalized to individual patients, has received much attention in recent years, and first prototypes have been deployed successfully. Due to the central role the immune system plays in a plethora of diseases it deserves special attention. Its complexity makes computational modeling a key technology for translational applications.

During this 2-day event participants discussed opportunities and obstacles in the development and use of immune digital twins in medicine. The group  determined the outlines and requirements of a research program to make digital twins a reality within a wide spectrum of translational applications. Results include publications of the meeting report and of some use cases in immunology that can be used for several purposes, in particular with public and private funding bodies.