
The future of digital twins in precision dentistry.
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Journal of oral biology and craniofacial research (2023) 13:19. PMID:36345496   DOI:10.1016/j.jobcr.2022.10.003

ZfA special issue “Digital Human Modeling” -an opening message from the IEA Technical Committee Digital Human Modeling and Simulation
Paul G., IEA Technical Committee Digital Human Modeling and Simulation
Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft (2022).   DOI:10.1007/s41449-022-00338-2

Preparing for the next pandemic: Simulation-based deep reinforcement learning to discover and test multimodal control of systemic inflammation using repurposed immunomodulatory agents
Larie D, An G, Cockrell C.
Frontiers in Immunology (2022) 13. PMID:35194613   DOI:10.3389/fimmu.2022.995395

The AI life cycle: a holistic approach to creating ethical AI for health decisions.
Ng MY, Kapur S, Blizinsky KD, Hernandez-Boussard T
Nature Medicine (2022) 28:2247-2249. PMID:36163298   DOI:10.1038/s41591-022-01993-y

Exploring approaches for predictive cancer patient digital twins: Opportunities for collaboration and innovation.
Stahlberg EA, Abdel-Rahman M, Aguilar B, Asadpoure A, Beckman RA, Borkon LL, Bryan JN, Cebulla CM, Chang YH, Chatterjee A, Deng J, Dolatshahi S, Gevaert O, Greenspan EJ, Hao W, Hernandez-Boussard T, Jackson PR, Kuijjer M, Lee A, Macklin P, Madhavan S, McCoy MD, Mohammad Mirzaei N, Razzaghi T, Rocha HL, Shahriyari L, Shmulevich I, Stover DG, Sun Y, Syeda-Mahmood T, Wang J, Wang Q, Zervantonakis I
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Cambridge Hybrid Closed-Loop System in Very Young Children With Type 1 Diabetes Reduces Caregivers’ Fear of Hypoglycemia and Improves Their Well-Being.
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COVID-associated pulmonary aspergillosis in immunocompetent patients.
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Addressing barriers in comprehensiveness, accessibility, reusability, interoperability and reproducibility of computational models in systems biology.
Niarakis A, Waltemath D, Glazier J, Schreiber F, Keating SM, Nickerson D, Chaouiya C, Siegel A, Noël V, Hermjakob H, Helikar T, Soliman S, Calzone L
Briefings in Bioinformatics (2022) 23. PMID:35671510    DOI:10.1093/bib/bbac212

Drug development digital twins for drug discovery, testing and repurposing: A schema for requirements and development.
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Frontiers in Systems Biology (2022) 2. PMID:35935475    DOI:10.3389/fsysb.2022.928387

Integrating mechanism-based modeling with biomedical imaging to build practical digital twins for clinical oncology.
Wu C, Lorenzo G, Hormuth DA 2nd, Lima EABF, Slavkova KP, DiCarlo JC, Virostko J, Phillips CM, Patt D, Chung C, Yankeelov TE.
Biophysics Reviews (2022) 3:21304. PMID:35602761    DOI:10.1063/5.0086789

Integrating mechanism-based modeling with biomedical imaging to build practical digital twins for clinical oncology.
Wu C, Lorenzo G, Hormuth DA 2nd, Lima EABF, Slavkova KP, DiCarlo JC, Virostko J, Phillips CM, Patt D, Chung C, Yankeelov TE
Biophysics Reviews (2022) 3:21304. PMID:35602761    DOI:10.1063/5.0086789

Building digital twins of the human immune system: toward a roadmap.
Laubenbacher R, Niarakis A, Helikar T, An G, Shapiro B, Malik-Sheriff RS, Sego TJ, Knapp A, Macklin P, Glazier JA
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Specialty grand challenge: what it will take to cross the valley of death: translational systems biology, true precision medicine, medical digital twins, artificial intelligence and in silico clinical trials
An G.
Frontiers in Systems Biology (2022) 2. DOI:10.3389/fsysb.2022.901159

A virtual host model of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection identifies early immune events as predictive of infection outcomes.
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Digital twins for predictive oncology will be a paradigm shift for precision cancer care.
Hernandez-Boussard T, Macklin P, Greenspan EJ, Gryshuk AL, Stahlberg E, Syeda-Mahmood T, Shmulevich I
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Utilizing the Heterogeneity of Clinical Data for Model Refinement and Rule Discovery Through the Application of Genetic Algorithms to Calibrate a High-Dimensional Agent-Based Model of Systemic Inflammation.
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Digital twins for multiple sclerosis.
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Using digital twins in viral infection.
Laubenbacher R, Sluka JP, Glazier JA
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The ‘Digital Twin’ to enable the vision of precision cardiology.
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A Randomized Trial of Closed-Loop Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes.
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A generalizable data-driven multicellular model of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
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The 2019 mathematical oncology roadmap.
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High-resolution computational modeling of immune responses in the gut.
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The Crisis of Reproducibility, the Denominator Problem and the Scientific Role of Multi-scale Modeling.
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Imaging biomarker roadmap for cancer studies.
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Biocellion: accelerating computer simulation of multicellular biological system models.
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The development of a fully-integrated immune response model (FIRM) simulator of the immune response through integration of multiple subset models.
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The Cell Collective: toward an open and collaborative approach to systems biology.
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The visible human project
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Body Voyage: A Three-Dimensional Tour of a Real Human Body
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The visible human male: a technical report.
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