Research In Biomathematics: A Guide To Funding From The U.S. Army Research Office

Interested in Becoming a Mentor or Finding a Mentor?

Fill Out The Form

Part of the goal of the workshop is to establish a “clearinghouse” for mentor/mentee contact information. For this purpose, we have set up the form below to facilitate connections between mentors and mentees. Potential mentors can provide services extending from a one-time consultation or more ongoing consultation services with their mentees, and are asked to specify their level of potential commitment on the form. All potential services from mentors are appreciated and we believe will greatly benefit the mentees. We will facilitate the connection based on research interest and expertise, as well as career stages through the information provided.

Workshop Resources

ARO Biomathematics Program

Dr. Virginia Pasour’s description of ARO grant programs

Grant Writing as Science Storytelling

Maximizing Institutional Resources – A Guide for Small Institution PIs


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SIAM News Report on the workshop held in SIAM Life Sciences in Portland, OR

Tuesday, June 11, 1:30-4:45

Organizers: Reinhard Laubenbacher and Luis Sordo Vieira, University of Florida, Department of Medicine

Funding: U.S. Army Research Office, Biomathematics Program


1:30-1:45: Introduction to workshop (Reinhard Laubenbacher, U. Florida)

1:45-2:00: Introduction to ARO Biomathematics Program (Virginia Pasour, ARO)

2:00-2:25: Institutional resources for grant applicants (Della Philman, U. Florida,  Department of Medicine, Sponsored Programs Office) (virtual)

2:25-2:40: How to tell a scientific story (Czerne Reid, U Florida, Department of Psychiatry, science communication) (virtual)

2:40-3:10: Break

3:10-3:25: Lessons learned from obtaining grant funding (Tongli Zhang, University of Cinncinnati)

3:25-3:40: Lessons learned from obtaining grant funding (Luis Sordo Vieira, University of Florida)

3:40-4:00: Q&A Panel with speakers

4:00-4:15: The SIAM community and the life sciences (Suzanne Weekes, SIAM Chief Executive Officer)

4:15-4:45: break-out discussions with potential mentors/mentees

Workshop Logistics and Funding Information:*

The workshop was held on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 11th.  It was a part of the regular program of the SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences, taking place in Portland, Oregon, June 10-13, 2024. Participants are required to register for the SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences, a one-day registration will be available.

For announcements of future workshop dates and travel funding awards to attend, please sign up for the AROBIOMATH email listserv.

Workshop Overview:

Mathematics has become a key technology for research in the life sciences and biomedicine. As these fields continue to become ever more data-rich, the workforce of mathematical modelers will need to expand considerably to keep pace with demand for modelers and data scientists in academia, industry, and government agencies, including the U.S. Department of Defense. Academic research in this field plays an important role for two reasons. First, it is a major contributor to basic research in biology and biomedicine. Second, it is the most important contributor to the mathematical biology workforce. To ensure that all parts of society can contribute in both ways, it is crucial that all faculty have access to research funding and research support for their students. The proposed workshop is intended to help faculty from these institutions to successfully compete for research grants from the ARO Biomathematics Program and perform cutting-edge research and use it to engage and mentor students at their institutions.

View Workshop Flyer

Workshop Goals:

  1. Provide a hands-on introduction to the application process for research funding from the ARO Biomathematics Program, and other similar programs to faculty conducting research in biomathematics at small institutions that lack extensive administrative support for grants administration. 
  2. Help pair researchers who are currently funded by the Biomathematics program with potential applicants to form mentor/mentee teams for proposal preparation and subsequent grant-funded research.

Organizing Committee:

Reinhard Laubenbacher Ph.D.
Director of the Laboratory for Systems Medicine
Department of Medicine
University of Florida

Luis Sordo Vieira Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine
University of Florida

Barbara Martin
Administrative Specialist
Laboratory for Systems Medicine
Department of Medicine
University of Florida

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