Workshop – Research In Biomathematics: A Guide To Funding From The U.S. Army Research Office

Research in biomathematics:


A Guide To Funding From The U.S. Army Research Office

Join us for an inside look at obtaining grant funding from the U.S. ARO.

Workshop Resources:

Please visit the initiative page for more information and resources for the ARO Funding Workshop.


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Workshop Logistics:

Download the flyer to share!

ARO Workshop Flyer 2025

Tentatively the 2025 workshop will be held at the SMB Annual meeting.

SMB – Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology – 2025

Edmonton Canada, July 13-18, 2025

Date & Time to be determined.

Organizers: Reinhard Laubenbacher and Luis Sordo Vieira, University of Florida, Department of Medicine

Funding: U.S. Army Research Office, Biomathematics Program

For announcements of future workshop dates and travel funding awards to attend, please sign up for the AROBIOMATH email listserv.


To be determined.


Please register here. The workshop travel funding support application is in the registration form. Travel funding is contingent on funding from the US Army Research Office.

Workshop Travel Funding Support:

Limited workshop travel support is available for qualified participants, pending funding approval. Funding will be provided in a rolling basis. Applications for travel funding support due by April 14th. The workshop travel funding support application is in the registration form.

Qualifying Criteria for Travel Support:

  • Research in biomathematics (broadly defined)
  • Postdoctoral fellow or faculty at a U.S. based institution.
  • Currently a position at an academic institution or plans to hold a position at such an institution
  • Not currently PI or co-PI on a major grant from major organizations (E.g. NSF, NIH, DoD, Gates Foundation)
  • Travel funding support will have limited opportunities available, awarded first come first served to those who fit the funding criteria, and awarded as a refund after the workshop.
  • Travel funding will be contingent on awardees filling out documentation before the travel.
  • Travel funding will be dispersed by the University of Florida and will be subject to UF travel policies.
  • After the workshop, all receipts and documentation will be due within 14 days of the travel to be reimbursed.

Workshop Overview:

Mathematics has become a key technology for research life sciences and biomedicine. As these fields continue to become ever more data-rich, the workforce of mathematical modelers will need to expand considerably to keep pace with the demand for modelers and data scientists in academia, industry, and government agencies, including the U.S. Department of Defense. Academic research in this field plays an important role for two reasons. First, it is a major contributor to basic research in biology and biomedicine. Second, it is the most important contributor to the mathematical biology workforce. To ensure that all parts of society can contribute in both ways, it is crucial that all faculty have access to research funding and research support for their students. The proposed workshop is intended to help faculty successfully compete for research grants from the ARO Biomathematics Program to perform cutting-edge research and use it to engage and mentor students at their institutions.

Workshop flyer coming soon.

Workshop Goals:

  1. Provide a hands-on introduction to the application process for research funding from the ARO Biomathematics Program, and other similar programs to faculty conducting research in biomathematics at small institutions that lack extensive administrative support for grants administration. 
  2. Help pair researchers who are currently funded by the Biomathematics program with potential applicants to form mentor/mentee teams for proposal preparation and subsequent grant-funded research.

Organizing Committee:

Luis Sordo Vieira Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine
University of Florida

Reinhard Laubenbacher Ph.D.
Director of the Laboratory for Systems Medicine
Department of Medicine
University of Florida

Barbara Martin
Administrative Specialist
Laboratory for Systems Medicine
Department of Medicine
University of Florida

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