December 12, 2022 • 4:30 – 6:00
4:30 Opening remarks
Reinhard Laubenbacher, Director, Laboratory for Systems Medicine
4:40 Localized models for clinical tasks on small data sets
Xinyi Zhang, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Mentor: Jason Cory Brunson
4:50 Racial-ethnic disparities in post–lung transplant outcomes
Abhinav V. Penmetcha, Department of Biology
Omolola Suleiman, Department of Biology
Collaborator: Divya C. Patel
Mentor: Jason Cory Brunson
5:00 Functional routes as alternative models of cellular signal transduction
Igor Sokolov, Department of Mathematics
Mentor: Jason Cory Brunson
5:10 A Boolean network model of gene regulation in airway epithelial cells in SARScoronavirus
Achyudhan Kutuva, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Mentor: Henrique de Assis Lopes Ribeiro
5:20 Modeling bleomycin induced pulmonary fibrosis
Sofia John, Department of Statistics
Mentors: Luis Sordo Vieira and Matthew Wheeler
5:30 Boolean networks and dynamical modularity
Hemangi Patel, Orlando Science School
Samyutka Kandarpa, Orlando Science School
Mentors: Reinhard Laubenbacher and Matt Wheeler
5:40 A Boolean network simulating low shear stress and hypoxic cell signaling pathways in
pulmonary endothelial cells
Sharanya Chatterjee, Freedom High School, Orlando
Isabella Delbakhsh, Lake Highland Preparatory School
Mentors: Melody Walker and Henrique de Assis Lopes Ribeiro
5:50 Sarcoidosis Modeling Project: Striving for Solutions to Sarcoidosis
Chhavi Pokharna, Orlando Science High School
Bhavya Kambara, Land O’ Lakes High School
Collaborator: Divya C. Patel
Mentor: Helen Moore
6:00 Closing remarks
Helen Moore, Associate Professor, Laboratory for Systems Medicine
6:10 Open discussion